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For freedom, I have set you free.


As I am learning and walking in a new measure of spiritual freedom, the Lord has given me space to truly live that out and let my physical life reflect that of which He is teaching me. His timing is so perfect. 


Here in Guatemala we, as a squad, have so much more physical freedom than we have ever had on the race. Because the Covid restrictions in Guatemala are much less than Ecuador, we are able to immerse ourselves in the culture and community, leaving the base for almost everything we do. Ministry here looks like asking the Lord what to do in the morning. There is not a set schedule for my team in the mornings, so we ask the Lord (ATL) where He would want us, or who He might have for us to speak to that day. This might look like walking to the nearby villages and talking to whoever we meet, it might be attending a church service, it might be taking an uber to a city around to love some people and share Christ there, or it might be just spending time in prayer and in the Word as a team. I love the ways we are getting to practice listening to the Lord and then step out in obedience and boldness in whatever way He is leading during the day. We have already seen the Holy Spirit show up in healings and in people coming into the family of Christ in the short time we have been in the country. Our afternoons are a bit more scheduled because we go out with our ministry host in his ministry called Lugar de Promesas. Three days a week we get to visit homes and encourage people, as well as help start up a children’s program where they teach the kids English, play games, and share the love of Christ. one of my favorite days of the week is the day we get to go to Hope Ministry and visit homes to form lasting relationships within the community in the morning, and then help with the children’s program in the afternoon. I love this community and the people we get to serve and serve with. The Spirit moves so beautifully and there truly is such a hope in this place. The Lord is already working and showing up in incredible ways in the country of Guatemala and I am so blessed to get to experience it and join in on all He is doing for a few months. 


To add to that, one day a week we have what we call Activation Thursdays. These days begin with Spirit filled worship. We then get to have a teaching from one of the many wisdom filled staff members of the base here in Guatemala. So far these have been on topics such as identity, hearing the voice of God, etc. Then we get to walk out what we are learning by sitting with the Lord for a bit in asking Him about the information we learned, then talking with our team about what the Lord is saying to us, then we get to go out into the city of Parramos close by, or wherever else the Lord may be leading and do what we are learning. We have seen such beautiful things come out of these times and I love the aspect of learning something and then immediately having a space to put it into practice. It is so freeing to embrace the growth that God has for us and to walk in the boldness of knowing that He truly can touch people through us and work even in our incapabilities.  


Beyond having more freedom in ministry, we are also getting to explore the cities and places around on our days off. The base where we live is about thirty minutes away from Antigua, so it has been extremely exciting to get to explore there. It is beautiful to see the Lord working even on our days off, and opening our eyes to the furtherance of His Kingdom and learning to live in a Kingdom way of life. I am learning to be interruptible to what the Father may be saying and choosing to live in faith and boldness of speaking when He asks me to. Ministry should be a lifestyle, not a scheduled activity, and it has been so beautiful to see the Father open my mind to that.


As freedom begins to surround every area of my life I am becoming more aware of His presence in every moment and the ways He speak into the life happening all around me. I can’t help but praise Him for His faithfulness. 

Thank you for reading! 



One response to “For Freedom I Have Set You Free (Part 2)”

  1. period! life is ministry ministry is life !!!! thanks for sharing about life in guatemala I MISS YOU